Raising You Vibration With Jewelry

Raising You Vibration With Jewelry

Every single thing on this planet including humans, animals, plants, gold, silver, precious stones,… In essence, every single thing that exists on this planet, whether it’s an animate or inanimate object, carries a certain vibration or hertz frequency. So things that appear to be solid really are not. And just as there are no two identical snowflakes, there are no two souls with the same vibrational energy in the universe. That is how unique we all are.

Every single living being is surrounded by an invisible, yet extremely powerful, energetic field that vibrates at a specific hertz frequency. This vibrating invisible field is created by your own thoughts and feelings, therefore, the energy that you put out can change from one minute to the next.

You can either raise or lower your vibrational or energetic field simply by changing your emotions. If you are thinking, negative thoughts and feeling negative emotions, then your hertz frequency will vibrate at a lower rate. On the other hand, if you are thinking thoughts of gratitude, joy and love your energetics field will vibrate at a higher frequency.


This energetic field surrounding you acts as a magnet attracting things into our life that match the current frequency you are putting out. When people talk about positive and negative vibes, this is what they are referring to. When you put out positive vibrations, the universe sends them back to you. Like attracts like. So if you are putting out positive vibes, the universe will bless you with all positive things such as extra money you weren’t expecting or just having things go your way all of the time. The number of positive things happening in your life are limitless. On the other hand if you are putting out negative vibes, things will seem to keep going wrong in your life.

There are many ways to raise your vibration and keep you in a positive loop, even if there is a bump in the road to throw you off track. I can spend many, many hours explaining each one of those ways but I do not want to overwhelm you with too much information at once. I will be writing weekly blogs about all of these in detail but first let me tell you about how jewelry can help in raising your hertz frequency or vibrational field.

Humans have been wearing jewelry for centuries. More than 6,000 years ago, jewelry emerged in Mesopotamia, ancient China, ancient Egypt, ancient India, ancient Greece and Rome. In all of these cultures, gold jewelry was worn by the noble, the royal, or the rich. The Native Americans were also found to wear jewelry over 12,000 years ago. There was also a discovery in the Western Morocco Desert by archaeologists of a set of shell beads that dated as far back to 142 to 150,000 years ago. Jewelry was worn for many reasons including status, political strength or rank, to encourage or banish characteristics such as bravery or melancholy, ceremonial instruments, meditation, protection from any dangers or threats and ailments in life, tools to increase luck and good fortune and also buried with the dead so as to accompany its owner into the afterlife.


Throughout time gold has been used for healing. Gold is associated with the sun and is said to possess an energy that brings warm, soothing vibrations to the body to aid healing. When the body relaxes and the blood vessels in the cells aren’t as constricted, blood can move through the tissue spaces more easily and heal more quickly. Gold represents wisdom, common sense, longevity, virility, strength, and wealth. It increases the healing power of stones as well. Gold helps in the success in investments, self-confidence, inner strength, male energy, and good fortune. It is no wonder that gold has been revered for centuries.

Silver represents the moon and reflects the phases of the moon, making the wearer increasingly sensitive to psychic energies. If you want to tap into your psychic abilities, then wear silver and see how your vision, clarity and intuition become stronger. Silver represents lunar magic, protection, femininity, and helps balance emotions and hormonal imbalances. It increases intuitive dreams, enhances psychic abilities and intuition, increases feminine energies and neutralizes negativity. Silver is most useful to balance the chakras when combined with certain gemstones. Silver is also used as an aid in cold and flu prevention, wound healing, and skincare. It also helps with internal heat regulation and circulation. A study at Southampton University revealed that a certain kind of silver ring helps improve arthritis symptoms in the hands and enhances the range of motion and stability of movement in swollen joints. With all of this in mind, silver is the perfect addition to any jewelry collection.

The wide range of benefits of gold and silver jewelry are quite remarkable. Not only are they good for us, they will keep us looking beautiful as well. By wearing our unique and beautiful jewelry you will be healing your mind, body and soul.
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